If you look around you, you’ll see that success is NOT normal. Most photographers are not happy. They are not achieving what they have been dreaming about. (If they have been dreaming about anything…) They hate photography marketing. They don’t want to learn how to sell their photography. They think that photographic selling is trickery. They are totally unsure of how to build a successful photography business.
And because of this, most people in the photography profession aren’t doing the things necessary to become successful at what they want to do.
You see, the successful photographer knows precisely what he or she wants. Seriously. And moves on his or her own initiative to achive it.
As Napoleon Hill said, “The person who is not successful has no definite purpose in life, and believes that all success is the result of ‘luck,’ and moves on his or her own initiative ONLY when forced to do so.”
So if you sincerely want to make your living doing what you love to do – photography – then you need to start forming the habits that will assure you of achieving that. I will talk more about these in upcoming posts, but here’s a short list of some of my favorite “keys” to success in photography.
1. PTS Time every single morning. “Planning, Thinking, Studying.”
2. Have written specific goals, for yourself and your photography business, with deadlines, which are measurable, so you know when you have achieved them.
3. Plan out every day – in detail – based on your photographic goals – know exactly what it is you want to accomplish, and how long it’s going to take you.
3. Set rewards for yourself and your staff, if you have a staff – for each successful accompishment of each major goal in your photography business.
4. Think before you speak. Realize the “ARP Law” – that your success in photography depends on your Ability to Relate to People. You can not become successful by yourself. So how you relate to your prospects, clients and staff are extremely important.
5. Stay positive. Have a positive outlook and realize that there IS HOPE – that if you follow the plan, you will succeed and get where you want to be with your photography.
6. Become obsessed with providing the highest quality photography and service, with the best of attitudes, because you love what you do. Show your enthusiasm for what you do – so everyone you come in contact with can clearly see how much you love it.
You can do what you actually dream of doing. You can achieve your goals – if you will just set them. You can “leap frog” over everyone else and move to the top of your profession in your community by taking action – actually DOING the right things – regardless of what other people say about it.
Honestly, there is nothing finer than doing what you love to do, and getting darn well paid for doing it!
All the best,
Charles Lewis, M. Photog., Cr.
For more tips and secrets, follow this link: Photography Success Secrets
Despite the fact that I am not in agreement with every little thing you said, it is really a fascinating standpoint.