In this video hot-tip, I talk quickly about the big question: “Do I put my prices on my website, and if so, how should they be presented?” Don’t underestimate the power of this tip – take it to heart! It has made me (and many other photographers) tons of money over the years! Also, if you did not check out or last VIDEO tip, click here to check it out: Photography Business Secrets – telephone techniques – Now, here’s that new tip:
Makes TOTAL sense, unless you are the cheapest photographer in town and you are giving your art away. It is just like standing on a corner and handing out a price list. There just isn’t any reason to call you if you are charging a decent price.
Although I don’t agree with everything there are some good valid point made here.
I have been a student of Charles since 1994. I now teach all the methods Charles teaches. He has help my studio be successful all this time. One of the most influential teacher/photographer in the business. We have taken his teachings and tweeked them to our business. Our Selling, Marketing, Camera Room, Phone Techniques and Lighting are based on all of Charles Videos and Lectures. Thanks Charles.
Keep up the good work!
This is truly perfect Thankyou for putting this out there.
I really like this blog. Please continue the great work. Regards!!!
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They say there’s no price for awesomeness and I believe it’s true!