I just got back into the studio from spending the last 4 full days with our daughter, Erin, assisting her in a private class she was teaching on NASA and Astronomy.
Had a great time talking about the Space Shuttle, ISS, Hubble Telescope, etc. How wonderful is it to be able to take time off when you want to, to do something to help your family members. Erin and I have a real passion about the space program.
You see, as you get better and better at maketing your photography business, and at photography selling, you will start making the kind of money that allows you to take time off, and do the things that are really important to you – like helping your children, etc.
This is “LIFESTYLE” – which is a very important part of Life itself. It’s not all just about money. It’s about being able to do the things you want to do, get well paid for it- yes – but then also being able to have the time to do other things that are important to you.
So continue to discover the secrets to good photography marketing and sales – they will make it so much easier for you to build your photography business to the levels you dream about, and then to take some time off, too!
All the best,
Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog., Cr.
For more info and tips, click here: Photo Business Tips